Attendance and participation tot the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is limited to TOPnl members and prospective members.
The AGM is a virtual one as we are meeting through Skype. It is more convenient for everyone. The association saves fees for renting a meeting space and anyone saves a lot of (travel) time and fuel costs. Our (prospective) members are invited within the statutory timeline (3 weeks prior to the AGM) by e-mail and agenda and back-up documentation will be sent to them. Then they can sign up for the meeting so that they can be added into the Skype conference group or a Zoom meeting.
By the Statutes we are required to call an AGM in the first half of every calendar year.
Each AGM there are some standing items on the agenda, such as documents received and a review of the minutes of the previous meeting. Also the annual report from our secretary, the committee health, breeding and welfare and from the treasurer. The latter also explains the operating budget. After checking the financial records the audit committee shall grant discharge (or not) to the treasurer.
One or two members of the board automatically resign each year but may stand for re-election.
Of course, also other people among our members can stand for election for a position on the board.
It is also possible for the board to approach a person not related to the association with the request to join the board. The AGM however decides by voting. The AGM is also authorized to approve any changes in the Breeding Rules which are presented. Besides this there are some other items which might be discussed.
By article 22 of our Statutes is the GMA precisely defined and who for example has the right to vote.
The meeting generally takes no more than 90 minutes.